Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Wanting

I get SOOoooo excited when I am hopping around blogs and find wonderful ideas or information...I just have to pass it along.
Sometimes I am like the caboose ... and many of you already know about my exciting "new" finds but I keep sharing just in case you don't.
So ...  this wonderful shop lets you purchase fabric designed by independent artisan OR you can have YOUR art made into your very own fabric!! 

To keep with my hopping around theme here is a sample of a couple of the zillions (tend to exaggerate the more excited I get) designs that you can find . . .

There is no way I need another supply waiting for another project to be started ... but boy, do I WANT to just order yards and yards and yards!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Restarting

Did you ever stop doing something you liked to do for no reason?
Not that it became to expensive or that you had any reason to stop doing just slipped out of your life.
Then you do it after a long absence ... and you are like "WOW, this is fun, why did stop?"

This weekend we went to an auction,  found things we wanted,
   found things we wondered why anyone would want,
watched people, got excited, got disappointed, ate something very similar to what we call "fair food", brought home treasues ... and asked the question ... why did we ever stop doing this!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Cage

With the help of this great tutorial from Julie's blog
and these wonderful little birdies from Gems4us Etsy Shop
I have a great project to teach at art group!
Sharing is GOOD!