Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Cow

Every once in awhile I have to venture out for work...and sometimes my GPS decides I need to go on the road less traveled.  I never fight the GPS's lead because I enjoy the sights off the normal path.
Today the trip to "there" was filled with baby goats, an albino turkey (yes, I had to back up and make sure it was not a goose) and signs in front yards telling how they are pretty sure Jesus is coming next week and am I ready.
The trip back from "there" brought snow ...ughhh... only in Ohio do we see the sweet signs of spring and then get slapped with a snowstorm.  So my focus is turned more toward watching the roads and grumbling about the weather... when I see a black cow (I am sure there is a more proper name...but I am city girl) standing in his field ... his head tilted up and back ... his mouth open ... catching snowflakes!  Once again, I had to back up and reconfirm that I was not having a hallucination... that cow was catching snowflakes on his tongue!
Note to Nora, somethings that I don't enjoy may be just the things that make someone else's day.
I did try to capture a pic... but that made him stop catching flakes and watch me.
The remaining miles were spend in appreciate of the snow falling on that cows tongue and a flashback to my childhood and another cow ...OK, bull.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Sillhouettes

Remember those old silhouette prints you could have made at your local department store on special occasions?

  Recently my mother gave me three that she had, one of me and  one of each of my girls. Love the little images in those pictures ... but not the blandness of the prints. So with the help of this wonderful paper artist on Etsy and just a bit of glue… we are updated.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Brave Girl

That's ME!  A Brave Girl ... done with seven wonderful weeks of Soul Restoration.
Remember when I started,

That became this

and I became a bit more restored