Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Tagxedo

Spillingout's try at Tagxedo....

Go ahead...try it.... Tagxedo

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Known

I love it when the things at an estate sale jump out and say ...."take me home, I have a purpose... please, just take me and I will show you"

Granted, some sit for months... patiently... waiting for me to see what they came for... and others come home and jump right into their repurposing!

An old wooded knife holder (no knives)  but such lovely wood and details...

Came home today to help me organize and display...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Mothers

I am a different mother then my mother
I am no better, no worse
I am different
There were moments I have thought we both were the best
And moments I thought we each were both the worst
A time where I knew I was doing the right thing and she was not
A thought back where I see I was not and she was
We are different mothers
No better
No worse
Both just desperately loving our children
And trying to love ourselves