Today the trip to "there" was filled with baby goats, an albino turkey (yes, I had to back up and make sure it was not a goose) and signs in front yards telling how they are pretty sure Jesus is coming next week and am I ready.
The trip back from "there" brought snow ...ughhh... only in Ohio do we see the sweet signs of spring and then get slapped with a snowstorm. So my focus is turned more toward watching the roads and grumbling about the weather... when I see a black cow (I am sure there is a more proper name...but I am city girl) standing in his field ... his head tilted up and back ... his mouth open ... catching snowflakes! Once again, I had to back up and reconfirm that I was not having a hallucination... that cow was catching snowflakes on his tongue!
Note to Nora, somethings that I don't enjoy may be just the things that make someone else's day.
I did try to capture a pic... but that made him stop catching flakes and watch me.
The remaining miles were spend in appreciate of the snow falling on that cows tongue and a flashback to my childhood and another cow ...OK, bull.